Blueye Service

Troubleshooting and repair after water damage

The price includes replacement of all electronics inside the drone. If we the leakage is minor and only some of the electronics boards needs replacement the final price of the repair will be reduced.

Blueye Robotics
Compatible with all drones illustration
Book online

Book online

After completing the booking our service engineers will reach out to arrange shipment to Blueye.



Our engineers will do a full check of the condition of your vehicle and replace damaged components. Expected turnaround time is two weeks from we receive the unit.

Extended warranty

Extended warranty

After the repair you will receive one year warranty on the work performed on your drone.

What is included?

The price for this repair product includes replacement of all electronics, which is normally required if water has entered the underwater drone.

If the damage is minimal and we are able to reuse some of the components we will deduct the reused electronics boards from the repair.

The price does not include other parts and our service engineers will reach out if anything unexpected is discovered during the repair.

Blueye Pro Drone: side

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Order summary

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Shipping and handling {{ formatCurrency(shippingTotal) }} ex. VAT
Order total {{ formatCurrency(productTotal + shippingTotal) }} ex. VAT

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Company Information

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Drone information


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Blueye X3 with oculus, servo and large skid