Blueye Service

Tether repair

If you have damaged or cut your tether we can terminate the cable with a new connector.

Remember to specify wether you have the new quick connect interface, or the original tether connector.

Blueye Robotics
Quick Connect
Book online

Book online

After completing the booking our service engineers will reach out to arrange shipment to Blueye.

Connector termination

Connector termination

Our engineers will remove the damaged part of the tether and terminate it with a new connector. Expected turnaround time is two weeks from we receive the tether.

Extended warranty

Extended warranty

After the repair you will receive one year warranty on the work performed on your drone.

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ex. VAT

Order summary

Product Unit price Quantity Total
Shipping and handling {{ formatCurrency(shippingTotal) }} ex. VAT
Order total {{ formatCurrency(productTotal + shippingTotal) }} ex. VAT

Delivery information

Company Information

Shipping information

Billing information

Drone information


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