Webinar 07/05

Inspect underwater infrastructure in addition to your day-to-day job

Date Thursday, May 7, 2020
Time 10:00 AM CEST (UTC+02:00) Local time: 5/7/2020, 8:00:00 AM
Duration 00:45 h
Inspect underwater infrastructure in addition to your day-to-day job
Norwegian Language


Alexander Bergrem
Alexander Bergrem
Blueye Alumni

Inspect underwater infrastructure in addition to your day-to-day job

Blueye has always focused on easy-to-use technology and our aim is to help everyone inspect their underwater assets more frequently. In this webinar, we’ll focus on how Norwegian municipalities use drones to inspect water reservoirs, water pipes and other infrastructure found below the surface. The webinar is suited for those wanting to learn what kind of benefits there are to own the technology yourself and what the common use cases are.

  • Learn how municipalities utilises drones
  • Inspections of constructions below the surface

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Inspect underwater infrastructure in addition to your day-to-day job